
Dr. rer. nat. Lars Baumgärtner


My current research interests focus on various security topics ranging from mobile devices and apps to the Internet-of-Things. I’m also interested in distributed peer-to-peer systems and disruption-tolerant networking to enable communication in challenged network environments.


With dtn7-rs we provide a Rust implementation of RFC 9171 that can be used for opportunistic communication in challenging network conditions, e.g., emergency communication, environmental monitoring or interplanetary networks. It features different convergence layer agents, e.g., TCP CL (RFC 9174), local neighbor discovery, various storage backends and routing algorithms. Due to its modular design it is well suited for research as well as real world applications. Further information about DTN in general can be found in the awesome dtn list. We are looking for contributors and also offer student projects and HiWi jobs around dtn7 and its applications. For further questions contact

Developing new solutions for challenging communication environments requires extensive testing in various different scenarios. Our coreemu-lab is a framework that automates the process of orchestrating different monitoring services in an emulated, lightweight networking environment. This includes simulated mobility, automated data collection, and analysis of common metrics. It is specifically designed for the evaluation of resilient, decentralized communication software in challenging, mobile scenarios.

Buschfunk Project wants to provide free and open-source solutions to serve as a foundation for communication technology in challenged environments. The focus is on delay-tolerant networking also known as sneakernet to enable message exchange even in remote places or during crisis events. It builds upon other open-source projects and lets researchers focus on the application use-cases themselves, not having to worry about building a peer-to-peer infrastructure again and again. Furthermore, it aims at incorporating many different commodity hardware platforms such as smartphones, Raspberry Pis, ESP32 microcontrollers, various LoRa transceivers etc.

This project provides a modem firmware for microcontroller boards with RF95 compatible LoRa radio modules and a serial interface such as the adafruit feather m0 lora device, the TTGO t-beam or the HelTec OLED LoRa 32 modules. On various ESP32 based boards optional features such as OLED status display, GPS, BLE or WiFi support can be enabled. Thus, this modem firmware turns various LoRa MCUs into companion devices that can easily be paired with a smartphone. The whole firmware is application-agnostic and provides a straight forward communication interface to rapidly prototype new LoRa-based applications on devices ranging from Raspberry Pi over smartphones to laptops.

Open Theses

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