
Collaborative Research Projects

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  • MAKI creates an innovative premise for the communication systems of the future. Its aim is to be more adaptive to changes, particularly during ongoing operations. This could facilitate, for instance, the ability to stream video on a smartphone in high quality without interruptions in spite of busy or overloaded mobile networks. Users would be able to rely on steady and reliable reception even while attending festivals or crowded sporting events.
    Our specific project started in 2017. In the context of MAKI, we develop language abstractions and type systems for software-defined networks, which provide guarantees about the correct runtime behavior of programmable networks already at compile time.
  • Funded by: DFG
  • Impact: dtn7
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  • Crossing is a collaborative research center focussed on providing cutting-edge cryptography solutions. Our research within Crossing focusses on bridging the gap between crypto experts and software developers. This separation of roles is vital since studies have suggested that software developers struggle in using cryptographic libraries, mistakes caused by which can have disastrous solutions. We develop methodologies and tooling to equip the developers with the right support to avoid cryptographic abuses in their code.
  • Funded by: DFG
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  • Our research aims to protect smart cities from disasters. For this we are developing resilient infrastructures that save human lives.
    Within the area of information, the focus lies on autonomous composition of ICT services from whatever resources still available. Especially the role of mobile edge computing as well as distributed and decentralized services to support disaster response and recovery is analyzed. We provide software infrastructure that makes all applications applicable in disaster scenarios.
  • Funded by: LOEWE
  • Impact: Buschfunk Project , dtn7
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  • Our research focusses on designing and implementing program analysis to detect vulnerabilities in hybrid applications. Current analysis techniques target one domain or language and cater to homogenous applications. Modern applications however comprise of more than one programming language, owing to their hybrid nature a.k.a web-based front-end with a java based backend. We are working on developing generic analysis that relies on information that have tendency to span multiple languages like variable names, and parameters to identify sources and sinks. As part of our research, we will also aid secure code generation and secure api usage by expanding our in-house open-source framework CognICrypt to support multiple languages and development environments.
    Furthermore we are also working on decentralized (cyber-)security solutions. Our goal is to avoid a central authority and provide resilient means of communication that include powerful device verification, is scalable and works in a decentralized fashion. Thus, it can handle different attackers as well as complete network outages. The impact of compromised devices in such a network is to be limited and appropriate reactions should be explored.
  • Funded by: BMBF
  • Impact: OPAL, CogniCrypt
Pace REScala
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  • Our research is dedicated to developing new technologies that help to construct high-quality software in a productive way. Part of our research is in programming language design and implementation. One key theme underlying our current work is aspect-oriented and component-based software development. The goal is to support developers in clearly expressing the design structure of the systems they build and to enable software construction as an assembly of modular (reusable) services. Another thread of our research focuses on intelligent programming environments that provide means to manage and explore the software space to enable the static analysis of a variety of software properties on the fly including design and coding styles, and for better supporting software comprehension and reengineering.
  • Funded by: ERC
Software Factory 4.0
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  • Software Factory 4.0 is a multi-year project focussed on developing automation techniques to adapt legacy software to meet the modern requirements owing to technological advancements. Within this project, we are developing techniques to extract modules out of unstructured, large C-projects. The extracted modules can be used to better organize the project into Software product lines. As part of the project, we also actively advance developments with Phasar a C- static analysis framework.
  • Funded by: LOEWE
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  • To goal of the iBlockchain project is to enable the full potential of blockchain technologies for industrial applications. For this a number of challenges need to be overcome. Within the iBlockchain project we conduct programming language and software research to empower programmers to write efficient, scalable and secure decentralized applications with smart contracts.
  • Funded by: BMBF
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  • The research of 3AI focuses on AI systems that acquire human-like communication and thinking abilities, recognize and classify new situations, and adapt to them autonomously. Through 3AI, the systemic and algorithmic foundations for a so-called system AI are to be developed, so that interactions of the most diverse AI building blocks are mathematically and algorithmically correctly captured, understood and used, and new methods of system design, e.g. software engineering or data management, are explored.
  • Funded by: State of Hesse
  • APPassay project's goal is to develop a platform for risk assessment of apps on mobile devices. APPassay provides users with information about the data used by an app and is intended to sensitize them for privacy protection. Furthermore, using the developed platform, companies shall investigate which data is passed on to third parties through mobile devices that are used in the company. Finally, the platform will provide a test certificate for various apps, which lists all the data flow. The StartUp Secure program facilitates the development of APPassay and contributes to an improvement in the protection of citizens and companies.
  • Funded by: BMBF
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  • ALIA4J, short for Advanced-dispatch Language Implementation Architecture for JVM-based languages, defines how compilers and execution environments for Advanced-dispatch languages should be implemented in order to provide themost natural support for advanced dispatching constructs like predicate dispatch or aspects. The center of this architecture is a flexible meta-model, called LIAM (Language-Independent Advanced-dispatch Meta-Model). A compiler generates a corresponding model for the aspects in the program under compilation. ALIA also provides a generic implementation of execution environments with support for the Execution Model and dynamic deployment.
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  • AO4BPEL is an aspect-oriented extension to BPEL4WS that enables modular and dynamically-adaptable web service composition. AO4BPEL uses AOP techniques to overcome the shortcomings of workflow oriented web service composition languages with respect to modularization of crosscutting concerns and support for runtime change.
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  • is a new AOP language compatible to Java and AspectJ, which enables the componentization of crosscutting concerns such that they become reusable independent entities and facilitates the integration of third party components without modifying your code. CaesarJ also provides a new deployment concept for aspects supporting aspectual polymorphism.
Co-Contextual Java
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  • A type checker has an important role to ensure that programs exhibit a desired behavior. It uses the typing context to coordinate type checking from different subexpression of the typing derivation, therefore dependencies are build between subexpressions. These dependencies prevent the type checker to be incremental.
    We propose an extension of co-contextual type checking to support Featherweight Java. Co-contextualizing type rules is a technique for constructing type systems that are easy to be incremental. To co-contextualize Featherweight Java we eliminate the context and the class table, where Featherweight Java for type checking uses a typing context and a class table, and replace them by a different structure. As a result, eliminating the context and the class table, and having co-contextual formulation of type rules, we remove the unnecessary dependencies between subexpressions, and facilitate the Featherweight Java type system to be incremental. We describe a method to construct co-contextual type rules, from constraint-based type rules for Featherweight Java. We have an implementation of co-contextual Featherweight Java type, use cases and as well a theorem as proof of equivalence between Featherweight Java and co-contextual Featherweight Java type systems.
Eko Project
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  • The Eko project is part of the Software Campus, a program funded by the German government that supports young researchers and brings academia and industry together. We cooperate with DHL IT Services to develop an approach for API misuse detection. The goal is to mine usage patterns from existing software code, to detect violations in code under development, and to propose fixes for the findings.
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  • EScala is an extension of the Scala programming language integrating declarative events as part of objects. EScala provides a way to declare imperative events and to combine events together in order to create more complex events. It also provides the possibility to intercept some joinpoints which generate implicit events.
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  • FlowTwist’s primary goal is to develop a highly precise and scalable automated code analysis that is able to detect security vulnerabilities in the Java Runtime Library. The main challenge is that existing techniques are either precise or scale to huge applications, but usually not both. Therefore, new techniques are being developed as part of the project that are not only applicable in the projects specific context, but in general.
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  • JEScala captures coordination schemas in a more expressive and modular way by leveraging a seamless integration of an advanced event system with join abstractions. JEScala is validated with case studies and provide a first performance assessment.
KaVE Project
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  • The KaVE project is part of the Software Campus, a program funded by the German government that supports young researchers and brings academia and industry together. We work together with an industry partner and develop a recommender system for Visual Studio/C#. The term “KaVE” is an abbreviation for the German title “Kombination automatisierter Verfahren mit Expertenwissen” (“Combination of automated approaches with experts knowledge”). The goal of the project is to enrich statically mined models with feedback provided by experts.
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  • NFComp (Non-functional Composition) is a model-driven approach for the composition of non-functional concerns (NFC) such as security, performance, reliability etc. NFComp has been applied to Web Services which can be regarded from different views.
Pattern Language (π)
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  • π is a pattern language: its only language concept is the pattern, which can be best imagined as a function with a signature like a context-free grammar rule. Due to this flexibility, patterns abstract other language constructs and π can be syntactically extended by defining new patterns.
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  • PEAKS is an acronym for “Platform for the Efficient Analysis and Secure Composition of Software Components”. A fundamental building block in making software engineering more efficient is the reuse of existing components and libraries. Applications are composed of a stack of libraries in conjunction with the respective business code. But as the code of the libraries becomes a part of the control flow of the application, it will run in the same process and thus in the same security context as the main application regardless of the actual need for such a privilege. We aim to build a tool to detect these unnecessary permissions in software libraries and to recommend procedures to limit these privileges or their impact.
Pegasus Project
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  • Pegasus Project aims at creating a naturalistic programming language, that is, a programming language directly incorporating basic mental concepts such as objects, actions, statements, events, rules and others. This direct mapping of program ideas onto real programs makes programming much more straightforward as it avoids to force our ideas into a very constrained specific programming concept. In addition to that, it increases the readability and understandability of computer programs as well as their sustainability since programs written in natural(istic) language will be readable as long as the respective natural language is spoken.
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  • POPART provides a meta-aspect protocol that allows to adapt AO semantics at run-time. While alternative semantics for aspect-oriented abstractions can be defined by language designers using extensible aspect compiler frameworks, application developers are prevented from tailoring the language semantics in an application-specific manner. To address this problem, we propose an architecture for aspect-oriented languages with an explicit meta-interface to language semantics.
    We demonstrate the benefits of such an architecture by presenting several scenarios in which aspect-oriented programs use the meta-interface of the language to tailor its semantics to a particular application execution context.
Scala Benchmarking Project
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  • The Scala Benchmarking Project attempts to answer the following research question: Scala ≡ Java (mod JVM)? Does Scala code differ significantly from Java code when viewed at the level of the Java Virtual Machine. The first major contribution of the Scala Benchmarking Project has thus been to complement a popular Java benchmark suite with a large set benchmarks based on real‐world Scala applications, thereby allowing JVM researchers to finally compare and contrast the performance characteristics of Java and Scala programs beyond the level of micro‐benchmarks.
SID-UP / Distributed REScala
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  • Distributed REScala is the first language to bring Reactive Programming to the distributed setting. It is build around SID-UP (short for Source IDentifier Update Propagation), an update propagation algorithm that supports the full feature set of Reactive Programming extended to cover Remote Reactives – Reactives that can be shared with and used transparently on remote hosts. SID-UP was designed with distribution in mind, minimizing the amount of coordination and remote communication required to execute glitch-free update turns for distributed reactive applications.
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  • Veritas is a workbench for simplifying the development of sound type systems. Veritas provides a single, high-level specification language for type systems, from which it automatically tries to derive soundness proofs and efficient and correct type-checking algorithms.