Julius Näumann M.Sc.
Software Technology Group
work +49 6151 16-21369
S2|02 A216
Hochschulstraße 1
I'm currently pursuing my Ph.D. within the Software Technology Group at TU Darmstadt. My research primarily centers around static and dynamic code analysis, with an emphasis on native binaries and cross-language code analysis. My main motivation is to enhance software security through autonomous detection of bugs and vulnerabilities.
Open Theses
Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis
OPAL is a comprehensive library for static analyses that is developed in Scala to facilitate the writing of a wide range of different kinds of analyses. OPAL supports the development of analyses ranging from bug/bug pattern detection up to full-scale data-flow analyses.
In the context of this project we are always searching for students who are interested in static analysis and want to implement them using Scala. Topics of interest are, e.g., to develop needed base static analyses such as Call Graph Algorithm, analyses to find security issues or to visualize software.
If you are interested in OPAL, do not hesitate to contact Dominik Helm. For further information, you can also go to The OPAL Project
Examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mira Mezini
Supervisors: Julius Näumann, M.Sc., Dr.-Ing. Dominik Helm
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